January 15, 2017

Serve all...

"We can serve by enduring well, for our steadiness will steady others who are otherwise on the verge of giving up... We can serve by giving deserved, specific praise... Teaching is a significant form of service, just as is witnessing to one's neighbor."
"Let us so live and serve as to give no one cause to speak with justifiable spite of us. People may say untrue things that hurt us and that may even temporarily hurt the work, but let us never give cause for calumny.  Let us so serve that those who are unrighteous, as Paul counseled 'may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say,' of us." (Titus 2:8)

- Neal A. Maxwell "All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience"

1 comment :

  1. calumny definition: the making of false and defamatory statements in order to damage someone's reputation; slander.
