September 30, 2008

Scripture Reading.....
Now that we know what scripture study is, how and when should we do it? In the November 1979 Ensign article, "Reading the Scriptures",
President Howard W. Hunter 
"We should not be haphazard in our reading but rather develop a systematic plan for study. There are some who read to a schedule of a number of pages or a set number of chapters each day or week. This may be perfectly justifiable and may be enjoyable if one is reading for pleasure, but it does not constitute meaningful study. It is better to have a set amount of time to give scriptural study each day than to have a set amount of chapters to read. Sometimes we find that the study of a single verse will occupy the whole time."
If we had the goal to read 10 pages and then stop, we would miss a wealth of knowledge that can only be found when reading footnotes and cross-referencing.

1 comment :

  1. Howard W Hunter
    Born: Nov 14, 1907
    Boise, Idaho
    Died: Mar 3, 1995
    Burial: Whitney, Idaho
    Baptism: Apr 4, 1920
    Married: Jun 10, 1931
    John William Hunter
    Marie Rasmussen
    Brothers: None
    Dorothy Elaine
    Positions held: President of the quorum of the Twelve, President, Assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve
    Tenure as Prophet:
    9 mo
    Jun 5, 1994-Mar 3, 1995
    Tenure as Apostle:
    34 yr 7 mo
    Ordination: Oct 15, 1959
    Temples Dedicated: Two
    Temples Total: 41
    Apostles Called: One
    Members: 9,338,859
