October 3, 2008

Our Efforts ARE Important!

The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson 

"As we live the commandments of God, 

we can look forward with  joyful anticipation to the 

Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and know that through 

our efforts we are worthy, with our loved ones,

 to dwell in His presence for all eternity."

(emphasis added by Cassie Manger)

1 comment :

  1. Full name Ezra Taft Benson
    Born August 4, 1899
    Place of birth Whitney, Idaho
    Died May 30, 1994 (aged 94)
    Place of death Salt Lake City, Utah
    LDS Church President
    Ordained November 10, 1985 (aged 86)
    Predecessor Spencer W. Kimball
    Successor Howard W. Hunter
    LDS Church Apostle
    Called by Heber J. Grant
    Ordained October 7, 1943 (aged 44)
    Reason for ordination Deaths of Sylvester Q. Cannon and Rudger Clawson[1]
    End of term May 30, 1994 (aged 94)
    Reason for end of term Death
    Reorganization at end of term Jeffrey R. Holland ordained

    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezra_Taft_Benson
