"How ironic it is to envy someone who has a pretty figure but who is a spiritual cripple... Think for a moment how different it would be if people took on that physical appearance which would reflect distinctly how well they are doing spiritually. How would some of today's so-called beautiful people really look? A highly publicized movie star, if her life were fully represented in her appearance, might be ugly, perhaps with a hunched back, a prune face, and a withered arm. In contrast, think of Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, his beauty was not seen by the multitude. Under such telling circumstances- when the outer person reflected the inner person- whom would we applaud? And who would really deserve our pity?... The faithful but perhaps plump woman whose nails are worn, but who is a giving mother, wife and neighbor has a queenly beauty and a regal way, if we could but see her as she really is; her beauty will not be taken from her by the passing years. The paraplegic in the wheelchair who refuses to indulge himself in self-pity - his giving and achieving has genuine glamour. One day he will stand very tall and straight; he should do so already in our eyes. When we see 'things as they really are,' we shall see others and ourselves as we really are."
- Neal A. Maxwell "All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience"
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