Nancy M. Christensen shared in an Ensign article that all of her life she had been worried about "what if?"..... As she grew.... she continued to have even more plaguing questions that resulted in anxiety attacks.... She became even more anxious when she realized such feelings were not "reasonable expectations for a mother of four young children."
Her answer came one fast Sunday.... As soon as the meetings were over, her 5 and 7 year old sons raced to see who could get home first. They each grabbed the door handle, trying to turn the knob of the locked door. When mom arrived home, she put the key in the lock, but because of the boys' strong grip, she couldn't turn the key. Out of her mouth tumbled the words, "If you would just let go for a minute, I could turn the key and let you in."
"As I said those words.... I imagined the Savior standing next to me, repeating my own words back to me. 'If you would just let go for a minute, I could turn the key for you. Let go. Let me help.' "
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