Y "Wherefore, Settle This in Your Hearts" Y
Elder Larry W. Gibbons
October 2006 General Conference

"And if God created us, it is not logical that He would then leave us alone. It makes sense He would give us guidance. Some of this guidance has come in the form of what we call commandments.
Commandments are not given to burden or restrict us. Rather, they are guideposts from an all-wise Heavenly Father to keep us out of trouble, to bring us a fulness of happiness in this life, and to bring us safely back home to Him."
Born July 30, 1942, Logan, Utah
ReplyDeleteMissionary to the Netherlands 1961-64
Married LaDawn Anderson, July 21, 1967, Logan Utah Temple; two children
Undergraduate studies at Stanford University; Medical Doctrate, University of Utah (1970); Master of Public Health, Harvard (1978)
Military service: U.S. Army, 1971-74, reached rank of major
Employment: President and medical director of the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas
Seminary Teacher; Stake President; Regional Representative; Area Seventy
Second Quorum of the Seventy, 2006-present
Resource: http://www.gapages.com/gibbolw1.htm